TCU 6 Ch

Innovas TCU 6 ch is a 6 station Tool Control Unit. This subsea valve pack comes with 6 channels bidirectional, proportional directional controlled valves.

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Subsea valve pack with 6 channels with bidirectional, proportional directional controlled valves.
Each channel features proportional pressure control with individual pressure sensor.

Inlet oil pressure and temperature as well as return oil pressure are also monitored. Valve control and communication is provided by 2 off Innova’s PIO36 pressure tolerant controller boards, enabling full control of the valve pack via serial or Ethernet network (Modbus RTU or TCP). Innova’s topside GUI software is used to control and monitor all functions of single or multiple valve packs. The valve packs can also easily integrate into Client’s existing control system.

Technical information

See datasheet for more information.


Innova-DataSheet-Hydraulic Valve Pack TCU 6 ch

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