Ashtead Technology FMD (flooded member detection)

The system comprises an ROV electronics pod, remote probe, topside interface unit and operating software. This user friendly system provides a real time A-Scan analogue display of the acoustic returns.



The analogue display enables the operator to correctly align the probe and ensure that the return signal is of maximum amplitude and clearly identify if the member is flooded.
The software allows recording of analogue trace and location event details to enable fast and efficient reporting during the project.

Key features

Acoustic Based System
ROV or diver operated
Analogue display
User friendly software
Recording capability
Robust reliable design

Technical information

System Operating Frequency: 1 Mhz
System Operating range: 1 to 50cm
ROV Electronics
Communications: RS232, RS485 (38400 baud)
Power: 12-24Vdc , 3.6watts
Data/power connector RS485: FCR 1508M
Cable length: 3m
Topside Interface
Power: 110 – 240VAC / 5 watts



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