Tritech SeaKing AUV / ROV – Side Scan Sonar

The SeaKing AUV / ROV side scan sonar system utilises Tritech’s DST (Digital Sonar Technology) and is an extremely compact and cost effective high definition side scan sonar. The SeaKing AUV/ ROV side scan sonar has been designed for a wide range of ROV seabed survey and inspection duties.



The SeaKing AUV/ ROV side scan sonar is supplied as separate transducers and an electronics module for integration into ROV and AUV underwater systems.

As part of Tritech’s SeaKing range of sonars, sensors it is possible to run the SeaKing towfish with other SeaKing sensors over one communication link. All products in the SeaKing family (or third-party products within the ARCNET communications link), can be run simultaneously, using the same processor and display; such as Tritech’s Surface Control Unit (SCU) or a customer supplied PC or laptop. In addition to the display of side scan sonar data, the system will take position input from DGPS. This information is recorded with the side scan sonar data to allow a ‘fix’ of a target.

Technical information

Low frequency:
Frequency: 325kHz
Beamwidth: 30° vertical, 1° horizontal 30°
Maximum range: 200m
Pulse length: 400μs

High frequency:
Frequency: 675kHz
Beamwidth: 30° vertical, 0.5° horizontal
Maximum range: 100m
Pulse length: 200μs

Electrical and Communication
Power requirement: 20 to 72V DC at 12W
Communication protocols: ARCNET, RS232, RS485
Communication rates: ARCNET: 156kbit·s-1, 78kbit·s-1
RS232 & RS485: 115.2kBd

Software: Tritech Seanet Pro or low level direct command control
Data log format: Tritech V4Log as standard
Export to XTF, TIFF, GeoTIFF and Google Earth KMZ via converter

Electronics Pod:
Weight in air: 2.5kg
Weight in water: 1.6kg

Weight in air: 1.4kg
Weight in water: 0.54kg

Depth rating: 4000m
Connector: Tritech 6-pin waterblock


side-scan-sonar-seaking-auv-rov Datasheet



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